Revenue Operations Jedi - Volume I
There is something incredibly comforting about having deep technical skill. You feel powerful and calm, like a Jedi must feel in Star Wars.
Better than that — having several skills that you’ve honed over time, mixing them and creating your own unique capabilities in the process. You are one of one. That makes your skillset much more valuable.
When I started on Wall Street in investment banking as an associate I began developing my data engineering capabilities right away. I wanted to be able to summon data from 10-Ks, quarterly reports and all other financial sources. Once the data was in place I wanted to use analytic tools to convert that raw information into a useful product.
So I studied all aspects of data engineering and started applying it to my daily work.
I’m glad I did that because even though I’ve left banking and now I invest in (and operate) technology companies, those data engineering and analysis skills are paying me bigger and bigger dividends later in life.
Data engineeri…